Woodbridge Private Credit Fund
Fund Performance
Fund at a Glance
The Fund aims to provide investors with a return of the RBA cash rate plus 5%–7% per annum net of fees and expenses but before taxes over the medium to long term.
The Fund provides investors with direct and indirect exposure to 1st mortgage (senior secured) Australian and New Zealand real estate loans.
Please note that the investment objective is not intended to be a forecast. It is merely an indication of what the Fund aims to achieve over the medium to long term on the assumption that property markets remain relatively stable throughout the investment term. The Fund may not be successful in meeting this objective. Returns are not guaranteed.
RBA Cash Rate + 5% to 7% p.a. net of fees and expenses.
Market dynamics and regulatory changes have seen Australian and New Zealand banks materially reduce their exposure to real estate financing, creating an opportunity in the lending market.
This opportunity stems from a lack of competition, resulting in increased returns for the provision of 1st mortgage (senior secured) loans while risk remains manageable due to the strong structural demand for property and moderate loan leverage.
In America and Europe, this trend has largely played out with the banks’ share of the lending market reduced to 40–50%. It is the Investment Manager's view that this trend will continue to play out in Australia and New Zealand, expanding the market for existing and new participants.
This has left a void in the market – a dislocation – and represents a unique opportunity for investors to participate in private credit.
The Fund’s investment strategy is to take advantage of this dislocation and provide investors with direct and indirect exposure to 1st mortgage (senior secured) Australian and New Zealand real estate loans – with an ESG integrated investment process and philosophy.
The Fund does not invest in high-risk loans such as preferred equity loans, mezzanine finance, 2nd mortgage loans or corporate loans.
The Fund will typically hold a portfolio of 10–50 loans across multiple asset types and locations within the guidelines outlined in the Information Memorandum.
The Fund's portfolio of investments will be diversified by asset class, location and borrowers and will Include loans across office, industrial, land, retail, hotel, apartments, town house, land subdivision and mixed use. Asset concentration limits apply.
The Fund does not invest in high-risk loans such as preferred equity loans, mezzanine finance, 2nd mortgage loans or corporate loans.
$50,000 Minimum Initial Investment
$50,000 Minimum Additional Investment
$50,000 Minimum Investment Balance
$50,000 Minimum Withdrawal Amount
Applications - before or at 2pm (Sydney time) on the last Business Day of a given calendar month and if your application for units is accepted, you will receive the Application Price calculated for that calendar month end.
Withdrawals - before 2pm (Sydney time) on the last Business Day of a given calendar month and your withdrawal request is accepted, you will receive the Withdrawal Price calculated for the next calendar month.
Generally monthly.
You may elect to have your distributions paid directly to your nominated Australian bank account, or to have your distributions reinvested as additional units where you have nominated to do so in the Application Form.
Monthly best endeavors, but generally accepted on a quarterly basis, subject to liquidity.
0.50% Management Fee
NIL Performance Fee
NIL Entry / Exit Fee
NIL Buy-Sell Spread
EQT Responsible Entity Services Limited ("Trustee") ABN 94 101 103 011 AFSL No. 223271, a subsidiary of EQT Holdings Limited ABN 22 607 797 615, which is a public company listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX: EQT), is the Fund’s trustee and issuer of this IM. Established as a trustee and executorial service provider by a special Act of the Victorian Parliament in 1888, today the Trustee is a dynamic financial services institution which continues to grow the breadth and quality of products and services on offer.
The Trustee’s responsibilities and obligations as the Fund’s trustee are governed by the Constitution of the Fund, the Corporations Act and general trust law.
The Trustee has appointed Woodbridge as the investment manager of the Fund. The Trustee has appointed a custodian to hold the assets of the Fund. The custodian has no supervisory role in relation to the operation of the Fund and is not responsible for protecting your interests.
The Trustee has conducted due diligence on Woodbridge as well as all key service providers to the Fund. All service providers are appointed on arm’s length, commercial terms.
The Trustee ensures compliance of its service providers with their obligations under the relevant service agreements and applicable laws by monitoring performance, and by conducting on-site visits where practicable. Service providers to the Fund may change without prior notice to investors.
The Trustee has appointed EQT Australia Pty Ltd ABN 88 111 042 132 to act as Custodian for the Fund. In this capacity, the Custodian holds the assets and performs all general custody tasks for the Fund.
The Trustee has appointed Apex Fund Services Pty Ltd ABN 81 118 902 891 to act as administrator for the Fund. In this capacity, the Administrator performs all general administrative tasks for the Fund, including keeping financial books and records and calculating the Net Asset Value of the Fund.
Only Wholesale Clients can apply for Units in the Fund pursuant to the Information Memorandum. In Australia a Wholesale Client means a person or entity defined as such under section 761G and section 761GA of the Corporations Act 2001.
Potential benefits of investing in the Fund include:
Attractive Risk-adjusted Returns from Diversified Portfolio
Stable Monthly Income
Low Volatility
Potential Hedge Against Inflation
Experienced Investment Team
First mortgage loans only
Low Management Fee
Seeking capital preservation is a core focus and the team identifies and actively monitors risks inherent in each investment and ensures the portfolio is not overexposed to any sub-class, sector, risk factor, strategy, style or counterparty.
Active management is crucial: the opaque nature of private markets means that an in-depth understanding of the investment universe, deal structure, counterparty risk and local regulations is essential to delivering sustainable performance.
Access private market premium: private market investments provide superior risk-adjusted returns by taking advantage of the illiquidity and complexity.
Why is the Fund Different?
Fully Transparent
The fund is fully transparent and does not hide loans or fees. We provide full transparency to the underlying loan book, so the portfolio risk and return is clear to investors.
Non-Blended Fund
The fund is not a blended mix of multiple loan types and multiple security types producing a blended, and often hidden, portfolio risk and return – the fund has a single loan security type.
First Mortgage Loans Only
The fund only invests in pure first mortgage (senior secured), asset backed loans with a focus on capital preservation throughout the credit cycle. No 2nd mortgage or corporate loans.
External Trustee
The fund is governed by an independent trustee who is responsible for overseeing the operations of the fund and acting in the best interests of our investors to provide independent oversight.
ESG Framework
The fund uses an ESG integrated investment process and negative screen on all loans to align with our Responsible Investment Framework - we are also RIAA certified.
Real Estate Experts
The fund is managed by an experienced real estate investment team that has managed over $5 billion of loans through multiple economic cycles, with NIL loan impairments.
How to Invest
Financial Advisers
Invest via Platform
Macquarie Wrap | HUB24 | Netwealth | BT Panorama | Praemium | Powerwrap | CFS
Click Here for Online Application
This fund is open to wholesale investors in Australia. (Minimum investment is $50,000).
Key Documents and Information
Information Memorandum
Application Form
Additional Investment Form
Change of Details Form
Withdrawal Form
SQM Research Report
Platforms and Research Ratings
The Woodbridge Private Credit Fund has been awarded ‘Superior’ status and 'High Investment Grade' from highly regarded Australian rating house SQM Research.
Certified Responsible Investment
The Woodbridge Private Credit Fund has been certified by the Responsible Investment Association Australasia (RIAA).
RIAA’s Certification Program is the leading initiative for distinguishing quality responsible, ethical and impact investment products and services in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand and is the longest running responsible investment program in the world.
The Certification Symbol is recognised by investors and consumers across the region, providing confidence that a product is delivering on its responsible investment promise and meeting the Australian and New Zealand Standard for responsible investing.
With interest in responsible and ethical investing at an all-time high, research shows that the overwhelming majority of Australians and New Zealanders prefer to invest in a product or organisation that has been independently certified for its responsible investment practices.
Get in touch.
Damian Casey
Head of Distribution
(0439) 981 645
Unit Registry Enquiries
1300 133 451
1 Net return is based on the last 12 months 2 Average Loan to Value Ratio (LVR) and average Internal Rate of Return (IRR) have been calculated on a current weighted basis on the loans in the Fund 3 Fund performance is in AUD and is annualised calculated based on net asset value per unit after management fees and expenses 4 Inception date is 31 May 2022.
The rating contained in this document is issued by SQM Research Pty Ltd ABN 93 122 592 036 AFSL 421913. SQM Research is an investment research firm that undertakes research on investment products exclusively for its wholesale clients, utilising a proprietary review and star rating system. The SQM Research star rating system is of a general nature and does not take into account the particular circumstances or needs of any specific person. The rating may be subject to change at any time. Only licensed financial advisers may use the SQM Research star rating system in determining whether an investment is appropriate to a person’s particular circumstances or needs. You should read the product disclosure statement and consult a licensed financial adviser before making an investment decision in relation to this investment product. SQM Research receives a fee from the Fund Manager for the research and rating of the managed investment scheme.